Self Introduction

Topic: Greetings and Introductions

Mode: Presentational

Level: Novice

Students will introduce themselves in writing or verbally. 

Instructions to the teacher: This activity can be done either as a writing activity or as a speaking activity. The sentence frames below can be used to support beginners in making their self introduction. To make it more challenging, remove the sentence frames and just give students one-word prompts, e.g. Name, Country, Birthday.

The Prompts

  1. Hi. My name is ____________
  2. I’m from ________________(country)
  3. I live in _________________(city)
  4. I’m ________years old
  5. My birthday is on ____________
  6. I’m a student at __________________
  7. My favorite subject is _______________
  8. My favorite sport is ________________
  9. There are ___________people in my family
  10. They are _____________________________(relations )
  11. My father is a ____________ and my mother is a _______________________
  12. I would like to be a ________________ because ______________________
  13. My hobby is __________________________
  14. In my free time, I also like to _________________
  15.  I don’t like to______________________
  16. My favorite food is ____________________
  17. My favorite drink is ____________________ 
  18. My favorite day of the week is ___________ because _____________
  19. My favorite month is ____________because _________________________
  20. My favorite band or singer or musician is _____________________
  21. I like ______________ (movies) 
  22. My favorite place is ________________.I like it because________________