Hobby Blanks

  • Post category:Listening

Topic: Free Time

Mode: Interpretive

Level: Novice

Students will listen to the teacher reading a passage and will fill out blanks on the same passage.

Components of the activity: Two Passages

Instructions to the teacher

  1. Give each student a copy of passage 2 that has blank spaces. 
  2. Then, read passage 1 out loud to the students. Ask them to listen and fill in the blanks in their own passage. 
  3. The words in bold are the answers to the students’ blank spaces.

Passage 1(for the teacher)

In my free time, I like to watch ice hockey, but I don’t play it at all. Instead, I like to play soccer. My other hobbies are playing video games and reading. When I am not busy with school, I go to the movie theater on the weekends. My best friend likes shopping, so sometimes I will also go with her to the mall. 

Instructions to the students 

Your teacher will read the same passage out loud and it has answers to your blank spaces. Listen and fill in the blanks in your passage. 

Passage 2 (for the students)

In my free time, I like to watch _______ but I don’t play it at all. Instead, I like to play _____. My other hobbies are playing video games and _____. When I am not busy with school, I go to the _______ on the weekends. My best friend likes ______, so sometimes I will also go with her to the mall.