Emotions and Emojis

  • Post category:Vocabulary

Topic: Emotions and States of Being

Mode: Interpretive

Level: Novice

Students will identify emotions expressed by different emojis.

Component of this activity: Answer key

Instructions to the teacher

Use emojis or suitable pictures that express the following emotions for this activity.

Instructions to the students

Answer the following questions by mentioning the correct emotion in each case. 

The Activity 

  1. (Example): Dan is πŸ˜€ (smiling). He is ________(happy)
  1. Jill is 😑_______. She is _______.
  2. David is 😒_______. He is _______.
  3. Jane is 😴_______. She is feeling ______.
  4. Mary is πŸ˜• _______. She does not know what to do.
  5. Blake is 😟 _______. He did not do well in his exam.
  6. Raj is 😞_______. He did not get good grades despite having worked hard. 

Answer Key (possible answers)

  1. Angry, frowning
  2. Crying, sad
  3. Sleepy, tired
  4. Confused
  5. Worried  
  6. Disappointed