Guess Who?

  • Post category:Speaking

Topic: Describing People

Mode: Interpersonal

Level: Novice

One student will describe a familiar person and the other student will guess who it is.

Instructions to the teacher

Place students in pairs or small groups and give them the following instructions. 

If the class has few students, students can describe other familiar people outside of the classroom (e.g. their teachers, mutual friends, etc.).

Instructions to the students

In pairs or small groups, let one of you choose a classmate that you are going to describe. Do NOT tell your partner/group members who that person is. Describe the person in terms of appearance or character traits. Your partner/group members should ask you follow-up questions about the person you are talking about until they can guess who that person is. When done, the other group members do the same. Do not repeat describing the same classmate. Think of a different classmate each time.