The Day Before or After

Topic: Days of The Week

Mode: Interpretive

Level: Novice

Students will read short sentences and fill in the blanks.

Components of the activity: A fill-in-the-blank activity and an answer key.

Instructions to the teacher

There are two versions of this activity. Make a worksheet like the ones below for your class.

Instructions to students

Fill in the blank with the day that comes after the given day.

Version 1: The Day Before

1. Which day comes before Monday? ________ .

2. Which day comes before Friday? _________.

3. Which day comes before Sunday? _________.

4. Which day comes before Tuesday? _________ .

5. Which day comes before Thursday? ________ .

6. Which day comes before Wednesday? _________ .

7. Which day comes before Saturday? _________ .

Answer Key

  1. Sunday
  2. Thursday
  3. Saturday
  4. Monday
  5. Wednesday 
  6. Tuesday
  7. Friday

Version 2: The Day After

1. Which day comes after Monday? ________ .

2. Which day comes after Friday? _________.

3. Which day comes after Sunday? _________.

4. Which day comes after Tuesday? _________ .

5. Which day comes after Thursday? ________ .

6. Which day comes after Wednesday? _________ .

7. Which day comes after Saturday? _________ .

Answer Key

  1. Tuesday
  2. Saturday
  3. Monday
  4. Wednesday 
  5. Friday
  6. Thursday 
  7. Sunday