Favorite Music

  • Post category:Speaking

Topic: Cultural Events

Mode: Interpersonal

Students will ask each other questions about what type of music they like from the target culture.

Components of this activity: Interview questions 

Instructions to the teacher

Tell students to ask each other the following questions in pairs. Modify the questions to suit your class.


  1. Which songs from the target culture do you know? Can you sing one?
  2. What type of music from the target culture do you like? Why?
  3. What type of music from the target culture do you dislike? Why?
  4. Have you ever attended a concert of a musician from the target culture? Who was the musician? Where and how was the concert? 
  5. What are some of the common characteristics of the music from the target culture?
  6. What is the common theme/message of the music from the target culture?