Topic: Body Parts
Mode: Interpersonal
Level: Novice
Students will pick random flashcards of various body parts and make a sentence using the word in the card.
Components of the activity: Flashcards
Instructions to the teacher
- Prepare flashcards with body part vocabulary for your learners. Plan to put learners in groups of three or four, and make a batch of flashcards for each group.
- In those groups, learners will take turns to pick a flashcard and make a sentence using the word in the card. The rest of the students will decide if the sentence is grammatical. If it is, the student keeps the card and the next person goes. If not correct, the learner should try again. If they fail for the second time, then the card should be returned to the batch for someone else to pick.
- The winner will be the one who ends up with the most flashcards.
Instructions to students
Each flashcard has the word for a body part on it. Draw a flashcard from the deck, and make a sentence using the word on the card. Your group mates will decide whether the sentence you said was grammatical. If it is not, you get one more chance to try again. If on the second try it is still incorrect, you lose the card. If your sentence is correct, you get to keep the card. The winner will be the student who collects the most cards.