Which Country Is This?

  • Post category:Reading

Topic: Nationalities

Mode: Interpretive

Level: Novice

Students will look at maps and answer questions about those countries.

Components of this activity: Images, a multiple choice exercise with answers in bold.

Instructions to the teacher

Make a worksheet like the one below for your class, adapting as necessary for your context and purposes.

Instructions to students 

Look at the image and answer the questions. 

  1. What country is this?

Nigeria Egypt Tanzania

  1. Which language do they speak there?

Yoruba Spanish Persian

  1. What is the nationality of the people of this country?

Nigerian Tanzanian Egyptian

  1. Which country is this?

Brazil Mexico Belize

  1. Which language do the people speak there? 

Portuguese Spanish Swahili

  1. What is the nationality of the people who live there?

Brazilian British Spanish

  1. Which country is this?

United States United Kingdom Uruguay

  1. Which language do the people speak there?

English Russian Arabic

  1. What is the nationality of the people from this country?

American Armenian Arab

  1. What country is this?

India Iraq Iran

  1. What language do the people there speak?

Hindi Hausa Japanese

  1. What is the nationality of the people from this country?

Indian African Afghan