An Important Appointment

  • Post category:Listening

Topic: Making Plans and Appointments

Mode: Interpretive

Level: Novice

Students will listen to the conversation and answer the questions that follow. 

Components of this activity: A script, comprehension questions with answers in bold.

Instructions to the teacher

  1. Find people to record the dialogue script with and save it as an audio file. 
  2. Play it in class and ask students to answer the questions. 


  • A: I’m really not feeling so well today. I think I need to see a doctor. 
  • B: You should call and make an appointment then.
  • A: Do you have the number for the clinic?
  • B: Let me check the website… It’s 012-347-9499. 
  • A: Thank you, I’ll call them right now. 
  • C: Thank you for calling the medical clinic, how can I help you?
  • A: I do not feel well and would like to see a doctor. Can I make an appointment?
  • C: Of course you may. First, what is wrong?
  • A: I am coughing a lot and very tired. 
  • C: Alright, we have an appointment available at 3pm today. Will that work for you?
  • A: That will be fine. I will see you then. 

Instructions to students

Listen to the audio and answer the following questions.

  1. What is wrong with the speaker?
    1. illness
    2. hunger
    3. boredom
  2. What does his/her friend suggest?
    1. doctor
    2. dinner
    3. movie
  3. Where do they find the phone number?
    1. website
    2. phone book
    3. friend
  4. What are the symptoms she/he has?
    1. cough and tiredness
    2. cough and pain
    3. cough and runny nose
  5. What time can he see the doctor?
    1. 3pm
    2. 4pm
    3. 5pm