Identifying Correct Spelling

  • Post category:Reading

Topic: Alphabet

Mode: Interpretive

Level: Novice

Students will choose all of the words that are spelled identically to the given word from a series of similar options.

Components of this activity: A worksheet

Instructions to the teacher

Below are a couple example questions for this activity. Choose a variety of words in your language to expand the activity. Prepare worksheets in advance. This activity is designed to develop fluency & automaticity, so students should complete this activity as quickly as they can.

Instructions to students

Look at the given word and then circle ALL of the words that are identical to it in the list that follows. Go as quickly as you can!

  1. matches

    matches    metches    metchas    methas    matches

  1. student

    studnet    stnudent    student    student    stundet

  1. pineapple

    pineapple    pineapple    pinaepple    pinapaple    pineapple    pinappl