Classroom Objects True/False

  • Post category:Vocabulary

Topic: Classroom Objects

Mode: Interpretive

Level: Novice

Students will mark statements defining classroom objects as true or false.

Components of this activity: A worksheet

Instructions to the teacher

Make a true/false worksheet similar to the one below in which statements are made about what is done with various classroom objects. The correct answers in this version appear in bold.

Instructions to students

Read the statements below. If the statement is a proper use of the classroom object, mark it True. If not, mark it False. 

  1. You read books. T
  2. You write with a pencil. T
  3. You erase with a pen. F
  4. You sit on a blackboard. F
  5. You write on paper. T
  6. You study with paperclips. F
  7. You connect papers with a stapler. T
  8. You use markers on a blackboard. F