This Doesn’t Fit

  • Post category:Vocabulary

Topic: Housing, Rooms, Furniture

Mode: Interpretive

Level: Novice

Students will choose the item that does not belong with the others.

Components of this activity: A multiple choice exercise with answers in bold.

Instructions to the teacher

Assign the following task to students. 

Instructions to students

Choose the item that does not belong with the others. 

  1. talk to a realtor   pay the rent      sign a lease    clean the kitchen
  2. make the bed    clean the kitchen    vacuum the living room    unpack
  3. apartment    house    condo    office
  4. sofa    coffee table    television    wastebasket
  5. refrigerator    oven    dishwasher    sofa
  6. blender    toaster    coffee pot    alarm clock
  7. bed    bookshelf    dresser    shower
  8. mattress    pillow    blanket        lamp