A Regular Customer

  • Post category:Listening

Topic: Restaurant

Mode: Interpretive

Level: Novice

Students will listen to a conversation between a waiter and a regular customer and then decide if the statements are true or false.

Components of this activity: Script, recorded dialogue, true/false worksheet

Instructions to the teacher

Make a recording of the following script; alternatively, read the script aloud to the class at a relatively normal pace. Make a T/F worksheet for the class. Feel free to expand and adapt the dialogue or the questions as necessary. 


W: Hi. You look familiar. Do you come here a lot?
C: Yes, this restaurant is close to my office, so it’s convenient. And the food is good.
W: We try our best. What would you like to order today?
C: I’m not sure. What can you recommend?
W: Well, our special for the day is Chicken Alfredo. It’s a sliced chicken and pasta covered in a creamy garlic sauce.
C: That sounds delicious. I’d like to order that. Can I also get a side salad?
W: Sure, we’ll have it out for you in just a few minutes.

Instructions to students

Listen to the dialogue and then answer the following true/false questions. 

  1. This is the first time the customer has eaten at this restaurant. F
  2. This customer likes this restaurant because it is cheap. F
  3. This customer doesn’t know what he wants to order. T
  4. The customer orders the Special of the Day. T
  5. The customer only wants to order the Special of the Day. F