Elapsed Time

  • Post category:Reading

Topic: Time

Mode: Interpretive

Level: Novice

Students will calculate elapsed time. 

Components of this activity: Clock photos, worksheets

Instructions to the teacher

There are three versions of this activity below. They are not sequential. 

Version 1

Look at the picture of the clock and choose the answer that is three hours after that time.

1. a. eleven thirty 
b. five thirty   
c. twelve thirty
2. a. quarter to five  
b. four forty five   
c. quarter to seven
3. a. seven o’clock   
b. eight o’clock   
c. nine o’clock
4. a. quarter after two   
b. quarter after four       
c. quarter after ten
5. a. five after six       
b. five after ten       
c. five after four
6. a. three thirty       
b. nine thirty       
c. eleven thirty
7. a. eight twenty       
b. one twenty       
c.two twenty
8. a. five forty   
b. one forty   
c. seven forty
9. a. five o’clock       
b. twelve o’clock   
c. three o’clock
10. a. ten after seven   
b. ten after five   
c. ten after one

Version 2

Instructions to students

You have a homework assignment due in 30 minutes. For each question, look at the stated time and choose the answer that is 30 minutes after that time. 

  1. It is now 6:30.  When is it due?

    a. seven o’clock    b. six thirty        c. six o’clock 

  1. It is now 9:00.  When is it due?

    a. nine o’clock        b. nine thirty        c. eight thirty

  1. It is now 8:45.  When is it due?

    a. nine fifteen    b. eight forty-five    c. eight fifteen

  1.  It is now 9:10.  When is it due?

    a. ten after nine    b. eight forty        c. nine forty

  1. It is now 9:50.  When is it due?

    a. nine fifty        b. nine twenty        c. ten twenty

  1. It is now 12:10.  When is it due?

    a. twelve forty    b. twelve ten        c. eleven forty

  1. It is now 2:30.  When is it due?

    a. two thirty        b. three o’clock    c. three thirty

  1. It is now 11:00.  When is it due?

    a. eleven o’clock    b. ten thirty        c. eleven thirty

  1. It is now 3:40.  When is it due?

    a. ten after four    b. ten after three    c. three forty

  1. It is now 1:15.  When is it due?

    a. quarter after one    b. quarter to two    c. one fifteen

Version 3

Instructions to students

You are 45 minutes late to a party. For each question, look at the stated time and choose the answer that is 45 minutes after that time. 

  1. When will you arrive if the party starts at 8:00?

    a. eight o’clock    b. quarter to nine    c. seven forty-five

  1. When will you arrive if the party starts at 5:30?

    a. quarter after six    b. quarter to five    c. five thirty

  1. When will you arrive if the party starts at 6:15?

    a. quarter after six    b. quarter to six    c. seven o’clock

  1. When will you arrive if the party starts at 10:00?

    a. eleven forty-five    b. ten forty-five     c. ten o’clock

  1. When will you arrive if the party starts at 11:00?

    a. quarter to eleven    b. quarter after eleven    c. quarter to twelve

  1.  When will you arrive if the party starts at 12:40?

    a. one twenty-five    b. twelve forty        c. eleven thirty-five

  1. When will you arrive if the party starts at 1:00?

    a. quarter to two    b. one o’clock        c. twelve forty-five

  1. When will you arrive if the party starts at 9:45?

    a. quarter to ten    b. nine o’clock        c. ten thirty

  1. When will you arrive if the party starts at 8:15?

    a. eight fifteen        b. nine o’clock    c. quarter after eight

  1. When will you arrive if the party starts at 2:15?

a. three o’clock    b. two fifteen        c. quarter after two