Matching Schedules

  • Post category:Listening

Topic: Time

Mode: Interpretive

Level: Novice

Students will listen to a brief dialogue about scheduling plans with a friend and answer questions about possible meeting times.

Components of this activity: Script, recording, multiple choice worksheet

Instructions to the teacher

In advance, make a recording of the following sentences, or read them aloud at a relatively normal pace. Also, make a multiple choice worksheet like the one below. This example has the correct answers in bold. It is up to you whether you use time written in numerals or in words. 


  1. Today I have class 8-9:50 am and another class from 12:40-1:30. I have to work from 3-5. 
  2. I come home at 5:45, we all eat at 6:20pm. We put the children to bed at 8:45pm. We go to bed at 10:30pm.
  3. I have three classes today. I begin at 9:10 and end at 2:40. Then I’m free.
  4. I need to see my professor at 11:30.   Oh… I also have class from 1:50-2:40.
  5. I get up at 5am. I go running from 5:15-5:45. I take a shower and then go to work from 8am-5pm, but I do have a lunch break from 12-1pm.
  6. I get up at 11:30am. I have class from 3-4:50. I have another class from 5-6:50pm.
  7. Today I have an appointment from 9:15-10:15. I need to write a paper before my class. That class is 1:50-2:40. I am free until my class at 4:10.
  8. After work today, I have tennis practice from 5:30-6:30. I can eat dinner in the cafeteria between 6:30 and 7:30pm. I go to bed around 1am.
  9. I have 3 classes today. I begin at 12:40 and end at 3:50. Then I am free.
  10. Today I work from 10:30-12:30. I have a class from 3 to 3:50 and another class from 4:10-5.

Instructions to students

You are trying to schedule plans with a friend. For each question, you will hear your friend tell you when they are busy. Listen carefully to the times when he/she is busy and choose the answer that would be a suitable time for you two to meet.

  1. Which time(s) would be suitable?

a. 12pm-1pm      b. 4:30pm-5:30pm    c. 11:00am-12:00pm        d.8:30am-9:30am

  1. Which time(s) would be suitable?

a. 8:30-9pm    b. 5-5:30pm    c. 10:15-10:45pm    d. 7-7:30pm

  1. Which time(s) would be suitable?

a. 3:30pm    b. 9:30am    c. 2:30pm    d. 10:30am

  1. Which time(s) would be suitable?

a. 2:00        b. 2:15        c. 12:15    d. 11:30

  1. Which time(s) would be suitable?

a. 4:35pm    b. 4:00pm    c. 5:35am    d. 12:00pm

  1. Which time(s) would be suitable?

a. 1:30pm    b. 10:30am    c. 3:30pm    d. 5:30pm

  1. Which time(s) would be suitable?

a. 10am    b. 3:00pm        c. 1pm        4:30pm

  1. Which time(s) would be suitable?

a. 6pm        b. 1am        c. 10pm    d. 7pm

  1. Which time(s) would be suitable?

a. 2:30pm    b. 3:30pm    c. 4:30pm    d. 1:30pm

  1. Which time(s) would be suitable?

a. 3pm        b. 1pm        c. 4pm        d. 12pm