Find the Right Box

  • Post category:Grammar

Topic: Prepositions

Mode: Interpretive

Level: Novice

Students will choose the image that matches the description. 

Components of this activity: A multiple choice worksheet with answers in bold.

Instructions to the teacher

Make a worksheet like the one below for your class. 

Instructions to students 

Choose the image below that matches the description. 


1. The red box is to the left of the purple box. 

A    B    C

2. The red box is to the right of the purple box.

A    B    C

3. The green box is to the right of the orange box.

A    B    C

4. The blue box is to the left of the purple box.

A    B    C

5. The orange box is to the left of the green box.

A    B    C

6. The red box is to the right of the blue box.

A    B    C

7. The purple box is to the right of the blue box. 

A    B    C