
  • Post category:Speaking

Topic: Function in the Classroom

Mode: Presentational

Level: Intermediate

Skill: Speaking

Students will identify a current event (school dance, field trip, fundraiser, club meeting, sporting event) and will create an announcement which can be either presented live in class or over the school PA.

Components of the activity: Teacher should prepare some example announcements in the target language for students to listen to. These serve as an example for the announcements that the students will write.  

Instructions to the teacher

In this exercise, students will consider how announcements are made in their L1 and listen to some example announcements in the target language. They will then identify a current event (school dance, field trip, fundraiser, club meeting, sporting event) and will create an announcement which can be either presented live in class or over the school PA. Their announcement should follow appropriate conventions and give the necessary information for the event (time/date/cost/participants etc). 

Instructions to students

Today you will make an announcement for an upcoming event at school. First, think about how these types of announcements are made in your own language. Then, your teacher will read for you three examples of announcements in TARGET LANGUAGE. You will then write your announcement. After you have written it, you will give the announcement in class. Remember to include the key details in the announcement as such the even name, the time, date, place, cost, etc.