I Got the Wrong Shoes

  • Post category:Writing

Skill: Writing 

Topic: Shopping  

Mode: Presentational 

Level: Intermediate  

Can-Do/Competency: I can write an email to the store detailing my problem (wrong order, credit card dispute, package not delivered, etc.) 

Excerpt: Students email a store describing a problem with their shoe order.  

Activity components:  

3 sets of cards with one card per student.  

Set 1: Types of shoes (sandals, boots, tennis shoes, etc.) 

Set 2: Problems with a retail establishment (wrong size, package didn’t arrive, etc. 

Set 3: Potential solutions (return, exchange, etc. 

Instructions to the teacher: 

Prepare three sets of cards – Set 1 are types of shoes, Set 2 are problems with a retail establishment (wrong size, package didn’t arrive, etc., and Set 3 potential solutions (return, exchange). There is no problem if there are multiple cards in a set with the same potential solution. Each student will draw a card from each set and write an email to the customer service department (the teacher) explaining the type of shoe, the problem, and requesting a solution. You will then respond to the emails, and the students will write back indicating whether they will accept the solution that the teacher, aka customer service rep proposes. 

Instructions to students: 

You will draw from three sets of cards. Set 1 are types of shoes, Set 2 are problems with a retail establishment (wrong size, package didn’t arrive, etc., and Set 3 potential solutions (return, exchange). You will draw a card from each set and write an email to the customer service department (the teacher) explaining the type of shoe, the problem, and requesting a solution. Your teacher will then respond to the email, and you will write back indicating whether you will accept the solution that the teacher, aka customer service rep proposes.