Skill: Speaking
Topic: Identify some geographical / political / historical features of target language cultures
Mode: Presentational
Level: Intermediate
Can-Do/Competency: I can create a short video presentation on the historical or religious significance of specific customs or celebrations in the TL culture
Excerpt: Students prepare a short video presentation about a holiday in the TL country
Activity components:
Teacher should prepare a list of holidays (political / culture / religious) for a target language culture with one holiday per student in the class.
Instructions to the teacher:
Develop a list of holidays that occur throughout the year (religious, political, cultural, etc.) with each student being assigned one of the holidays. Each student will then prepare a 2-3 minute video presentation on the significance of the holiday that he / she was assigned. They can share about the holiday’s origin, who celebrates it, and how it is celebrated. The students then submit the videos to the instructor and can then watch them in class in the order in which the holidays fall during the calendar year.
Instructions to students:
The teacher has developed a list of holidays that occur throughout the year (religious, political, cultural, etc.) with each student in the class assigned one of the holidays. You are to prepare a 2 – 3 minute video presentation on the significance of the holiday that you were assigned. You can share about its origin, who celebrates it, and how it is celebrated. Once the videos are submitted, the entire class will watch them in the order in which the holidays occur during the calendar year.