Historical Features

  • Post category:Speaking

Topic: Cultural Events

Mode: Interpersonal 

Level: Novice

Students will interview each other on the historical features, figures, and events in the target culture. 

Components of this activity: Sample interview questions 

Instructions to the teacher

Introduce students to some of the basic political and historical features, figures, and events of target culture(s).

  1. Ask them to do further research and read the topic. 
  2. After they’ve made notes from their research, pair them and ask them to interview each other on the topic.
  3. Examples of interview questions they can use include: 
    1. What are some of the historical features in country X?
    2. What are some of the historical events in country X?
    3. What are some of the historical figures in country X?
    4. What are some of the political figures and events in country X?
    5. Where is the monument for *name of prominent figure* located in country X?
    6. Where is the museum for *description* located in country X?