Topic: Housing, Rooms, Furniture
Mode: Presentational
Level: Novice
Students will make a 3-5 minute video giving the class a guided tour of their living space.
Components of this activity: Flipgrid, or smartphones/cameras, possibly a projector to show the videos in class
Instructions to the teacher
Make sure students have all of the vocabulary they need for this activity (housing types, rooms, furniture, orientation words, i.e. next to, above, below, across, words like roommate, phrases like “this is”, “here is/are”). For homework, give students time to make a 3-5 minute video guided tour through their living space. They should name and describe each room, point out and describe furniture, and say what they like/dislike about their living space. To make this activity more challenging, you could ask students to imagine that they are a realtor trying to sell this living space. In that case, they should try to convince the viewers to buy the property and discuss the price and location.
Instructions to students
Make a video of a guided tour of your living space. You should include: what kind of housing you live in (house, apartment, or dorm), whether you live with roommates, the name of each room and its description, the name of different pieces of furniture and a brief description of each one, and what you like/dislike about your living space.