Multipurpose Commands

  • Post category:Vocabulary

Topic: Classroom Commands

Mode: Interpretive

Level: Novice

Students will choose all answers that logically complete the command. 

Components of the activity: A worksheet

Instructions to the teacher

Make a worksheet similar to the one below with a verb followed by several possible phrases to complete the command. Feel free to expand this activity to cover more vocabulary relevant to your course.

Instructions to students

For each question, look at the verb and circle all of the possible phrases that could complete the command. 

  1. Open

    your book    the door    a pencil

  1. Take out

    a pen    a pencil    the window

  1. Close

    the window    your book    the door

  1. Write

    your name    the word    a pen

  1. Listen to

    me    the story    the book

Answer Key

  1. your book, the door
  2. a pen, a pencil
  3. the window, your book, the door
  4. your name, the word
  5. me, the story