Topic: Numbers
Mode: Interpretive
Level: Novice
Students will complete simple math problems to practice working with numbers in a different script.
Components of this activity: A worksheet
Instructions to the teacher
This activity is designed for languages that use a script for numbers other than Arabic numerals. This is just a small sample of possible math questions. To increase fluency, consider doing a timed arithmetic test (again, with simple problems) to help students learn to recognize the new numbers quickly and internalize their meaning.
If your language uses Arabic numbers (1,2,3), then the students could be instructed to write out the entire mathematical operation as an activity or record themselves speaking it. For example, if they see (3+4=7), they will reply “three plus four equals seven” to get full points.
Instructions to students
Look at the math problems and select the correct answer.
- 3 + 4 = 7, 3, 4
- 36-12 = 24, 12, 36
- 16-3 = 13, 3, 16
- 20-12 = 8, 12, 20
- 2+6 = 8, 2, 6
- 14-6 = 8, 6, 14
- 22-11 = 11, 12, 22
- 18-6 = 12, 18, 6