Topic: Weather
Mode: Interpersonal
Level: Novice
Students will pair up and play a weather jeopardy game.
Components of the activity: A picture of a map and conversation prompts
Instructions to the teacher
Pair students up and give them the following instructions.
- Student A describes the weather in a city: “I’m thinking of a city where it’s sunny.”
- Student B asks a question: What’s the weather like in San Antonio?
- Student A checks if the city named by Student B has the same weather as the city they were “thinking of”.
- Student A: “It’s sunny.”
- After a few sets, classmates switch roles.
The Map
Conversation Prompts
Student A I’m thinking of a city where…. Student B: What’s the weather like in… ?
3.1. …it’s sunny. What’s the weather like in ______________?
3.2. …it’s raining. What’s the weather like in _______________?
3.3. …it’s partly cloudy. What’s the weather like in ______________?
3.4. …it’s cloudy. What’s the weather like in _______________?
3.5. …it’s snowing. What’s the weather like in _______________?