Buying Clothes

  • Post category:Speaking

Topic: Shopping

Mode: Interpersonal

Level: Novice

Students will practice necessary vocabulary for buying and selling items at the market.

Instructions to the teacher

  1. Before class, prepare cut-out pictures of various clothing items that you will give to students.
  2. Start the lesson by teaching your students necessary vocabulary and phrases for buying items at the target culture market. That should include vocabulary for clothing, counting money, how to initiate a conversation with a seller, asking for the price of an item, bargaining, etc.
  3. Simulate a marketplace in class. Give students a model for buying and selling. Then, let one student be the seller at a time and the rest, buyers. One or two buyers at a time will select items and ask for prices, bargain if necessary, and pay the correct prices.
  4. Include important cultural information in your lesson. Design the lesson to suit the target culture.