Currency Conversion
[Topic: Shopping] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will practice converting currencies between the target culture’s and their own country’s.
[Topic: Shopping] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will practice converting currencies between the target culture’s and their own country’s.
[Topic: Shopping] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will identify the currency(ies) from the target culture.
[Topic: Time] [Mode: Interpersonal] [Level: Novice] Students will read schedules and decide on the best combined departure time for two people.
[Topics: Months] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will practice identifying zodiac signs.
[Topic: Months] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will listen to short sentences and then circle correct answers.
[Topic: Months] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will identify the months associated with each season.
[Topic: Numbers] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will rearrange number cards in an ascending or descending order.
[Topic: Describing People] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will match each descriptive sentence with the appropriate person in the picture.
[Topic: Housing, Rooms, Furniture] [Mode: Interpretive] Students will read a short passage and answer reading comprehension questions.
[Topic: Requests and Apologies] [Mode: Presentational] [Level: Intermediate] Students will write an apology email to their teacher.