A Friend’s Family
[Topic: Family] [Mode: Presentational] [Level: Novice] Students will practice talking about their family members to others and ask for details about others’ family members too.
[Topic: Family] [Mode: Presentational] [Level: Novice] Students will practice talking about their family members to others and ask for details about others’ family members too.
[Topic: Family] [Mode: Interpersonal] [Level: Novice] Students will learn to talk about their siblings or cousins.
[Topic: Weather] [Mode: Interpersonal] [Level: Novice] Students will describe activities that are appropriate to do in different weather conditions.
[Topic: Weather] [Mode: Interpretive/Interpersonal] [Level: Intermediate] Students will learn to describe a weather forecast to someone.
[Topic: Weather] [Mode: Interpersonal] [Level: Novice] Students will pair up and play a weather jeopardy game.
[Topic: Weather] [Mode: Interpretive; Presentational] [Level: Novice] Students will describe weather pictures.
[Topic: Occupations] [Mode: Interpersonal] [Level: Novice] Students will discuss the occupations of other people e.g. their family members.
[Topic: Clothing] [Mode: Presentational] [Level: Novice] Students will describe what clothes are in the travel case shown in the picture.
[Topic: Clothing] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] One student will describe the clothing of a peer and the other will guess who the person is.
[Topic: Clothing] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will describe what clothes people wear after they watch a video.