Lottery Tickets
[Topic: Numbers] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will practice number comprehension through lottery tickets.
[Topic: Numbers] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will practice number comprehension through lottery tickets.
[Topic: Numbers] [Mode: Interpretive; Presentational] [Level: Novice] Students will work with mini-stories based on numbers of items.
[Topic: Numbers] [Mode: Interpersonal] [Level: Novice] Students will describe their ages and ask others about their ages.
[Topic: Describing People] [Mode: Presentational] [Level: Novice] Students will bring in photos of people to describe either verbally or in writing.
[Topic: Describing People] [Mode: Interpersonal] [Level: Novice] One student will describe a familiar person and the other student will guess who it is.
[Topic: Describing People] [Mode: Interpersonal] [Level: Novice] Students will learn to describe people based on their physical appearance.
[Topic: Housing, Rooms, Furniture] [Mode: Presentational] [Level: Novice] Students will practices speaking and listening through spot the difference activities.
[Topic: Housing, Rooms, Furniture] [Mode: Presentational] [Level: Novice] Students will use online shopping websites to design a room together.
[Topic: Housing, Rooms, Furniture] [Mode: Presentational] [Level: Novice] Students will describe a room in their house.
[Topic: School Subjects] [Mode: Interpretive; Interpersonal] [Level: Novice] Students will practice interpreting a class schedule.