Daily Technology

  • Post category:Speaking

Skill: Speaking 

Topic:  Technology 

Mode: Interpersonal 

Level: Intermediate 

Can-Do/Competency: I can compare with a friend what kinds of technology we use on a typical day, when we use them, and why we use them (i.e. some people wake up and check Instagram first thing in the morning, some people don’t do email on the weekend, some people prefer to use TIkTok rather than Google when searching something new).  

Excerpt: Students compare the types of technology that they use on a daily basis.  

Activity components: Scenarios for students to consider prior to class in which they evaluate what type of technology they use 

Instructions to the teacher: 

Prior to class give students a set of scenarios, each with a specific task. Students need to write down which technology they would use for the scenario and three reasons why they would do so. In class students debate with their partner which technology is best for each scenario. As a summary, each student in the pair can share their partner’s preference and reasoning for one of the tasks. Sample tasks include: 

 1) picking a restaurant for your friend’s birthday party 
2) finding out what the latest news headlines are 
3) finding new music to listen to 
4) Searching what to do in a new city you are visiting for the first time 
5) Getting help on your math homework 

Instructions to students: 

You and a partner will be given a set of 5 tasks which require you to choose which type of technology you would use to complete the tasks. For each task select the technology you would use and give 3 reasons why you would use it. During your next class period, you and your partner will debate which technology is best for each task. Once you have debated all five issues, each of you will prepare a summary of your partner’s choice and reasons for one of the tasks to share with the class.