Opposites in Description
[Topic: Clothing] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will match each descriptive adjective with its opposite.
[Topic: Clothing] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will match each descriptive adjective with its opposite.
[Topic: Clothing] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Intermediate] Students will choose the most appropriate response for each question.
[Topic: Verbs To-Be] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will choose the most logical answer to the question.
[Topic: Verbs To-Be] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will choose all answers that best complete the given sentence.
[Topic: Verbs To-Be] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will decide whether each sentence is grammatical or ungrammatical.
[Topic: Verbs To-Be] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will choose the correct verb form to complete the given sentence.
[Topic: Verbs To-Be] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will choose the correct verb form to complete the given sentence.
[Topic: Weather] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Intermediate] Students will match questions or statements about weather with appropriate responses.
[Topic: Weather] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will unscramble sentences about weather.
[Topic: Weather] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will decide which weather conditions are suitable for different sports.