Meet My…
[Topic: Greeting Others and Making Introductions] [Mode: Presentational] [Level: Intermediate] Students will create a short video to introduce a family member or close friend to their classmates
[Topic: Greeting Others and Making Introductions] [Mode: Presentational] [Level: Intermediate] Students will create a short video to introduce a family member or close friend to their classmates
[Mode: Presentational] [Skill: Writing] Students prepare a short video presentation about a holiday in the TL country
[Mode: Presentational] [Skill: Speaking] Students prepare and record a one-minute video describing a funny or meaningful story involving a family member.
[Mode: Presentational] [Skill: Speaking] Students give a presentation on a restaurant that they would like to open.
[Mode: Presentational] [Skill: Speaking] Students give a 2 minute update on the news from their country.
[Mode: Interpersonal] [Skill: Listening, Speaking] Students will order drinks for a drink menu with a native speaker waiter
[Mode: Interpersonal] [Skills: Listening; speaking] Students will ask / answers questions about a movie, as if they were a late night tv host and guest who produced the show.
[Mode: Interpersonal] [Skills: Listening; speaking] Students will role play making apologies
[Mode: Interpersonal] [Skills: Listening; Speaking; Vocabulary] Students will role play as a newspaper stand employee and a customer.
[Mode: Interpersonal[ [Skill: Speaking] Students compare the types of technology that they use on a daily basis.