Greater than, Less than
[Topic: Numbers] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will tell the set of whole numbers greater than or less than a number.
[Topic: Numbers] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will tell the set of whole numbers greater than or less than a number.
[Topic: Numbers] [Mode: Interpretive; Presentational] [Level: Novice] Students will work with mini-stories based on numbers of items.
[Topic: Numbers] [Mode: Interpersonal] [Level: Novice] Students will describe their ages and ask others about their ages.
[Topic: Numbers] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will rearrange number cards in an ascending or descending order.
[Topic: Numbers] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will be able to say numbers and count in the target language.
[Topic: Describing People] [Mode: Presentational] [Level: Novice] Students will bring in photos of people to describe either verbally or in writing.
[Topic: Describing People] [Mode: Interpersonal] [Level: Novice] One student will describe a familiar person and the other student will guess who it is.
[Topic: Describing People] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will listen to a description of a person and answer comprehension questions.
[Topic: Describing People] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Novice] Students will match each descriptive sentence with the appropriate person in the picture.
[Topic: Describing People] [Mode: Interpretive] [Level: Intermediate] Students will match vocabulary that describes people with the right definitions.